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Flow-Clean uroflow toilet
Hygiene and convenience
Working with the Flow-Clean flow toilet is a huge step forward for nurses. It is no longer necessary to manually clean a collection beaker and funnel. The risk of contamination is greatly reduced as no urine residues are left behind and dry out.
After registering the uroflow, the Flow-Clean toilet is cleaned automatically, effortlessly flushing even faeces. Additional flushing is possible using the top-mounted flush button.
Patientcomfort and results
During uroflow registration the patient sits comfortably and with a natural posture. There is no visible instrument, no dried out urine residue on the floor or under the seat. The uroflowtoilet is always automatically purged so patients will not face the “forgotten” urine from a previous patient.
The Flow-Clean uroflowtoilet is suitable for sitting and standing urination.
It is also an ideal solution for children, immobile patients and wheelchair users. The result is a uroflow, which will approach the flow at home. In combination with patient history and voiding diary a result as realistic as possible will be reached.
Uroflow registration
The result of the uroflow measurement is automatically forwarded to your PC or laptop, the uroflow can be followed through realtime curves and will be saved as PDF file. The results can also be transfered to the hospital’s central server.
The filters for the flow curve are adjustable. The flow entry fulfills the latest requirements imposed on flowmetry by the ICS.
Technical specifications
The entire set-up of the Flow-Clean uroflowtoilet is less than a meter high and weighs only 41 kg. The unit can be placed in a small space with a normal basin drain, connection to the sewage system is not necessary.
- Kategorier: Fuldautomatisk Flowmeter
- Varenummer: AFlow1